What is the GS1 prefix of the EAN barcode of each country?
15/02/2023 09:22

GS1 is a global organization that sets standards for identifying, capturing and exchanging information about products and services around the world.
One of the most common standards established by
GS1 is the
EAN barcode, which is used to identify products worldwide.
EAN barcodes have a country prefix that identifies the country of origin of the product.
In UK, the
GS1 country code is
Here are the GS1 country prefixes for EAN barcodes:
00-13 |
United States & Canada |
20-29 |
Reserved For Local Use (Stores/Supermarkets) |
30-37 |
France |
380 |
Bulgaria |
383 |
Slovenia |
385 |
Croatia |
484 |
Moldova |
485 |
Armenia |
486 |
Georgia |
487 |
Kazakhstan |
489 |
Hong Kong |
49 |
Japan |
50 |
United Kingdom |
520 |
Greece |
528 |
Lebanon |
529 |
Cyprus |
531 |
Macedonia |
535 |
Malt |
539 |
Ireland |
54 |
Belgium & Luxembourg |
560 |
Portugal |
569 |
Iceland |
57 |
Denmark |
590 |
Poland |
594 |
Romania |
599 |
Hungary |
600-601 |
South Africa |
609 |
Mauricio |
611 |
Morocco |
613 |
Algeria |
619 |
Tunisia |
621 |
Syria |
622 |
Egypt |
624 |
Libya |
625 |
Jordan |
626 |
Iran |
627 |
Kuwait |
628 |
Saudi Arabia |
629 |
United Arab Emirates |
64 |
Finland |
690-692 |
China |
70 |
Norway |
729 |
Israel |
73 |
Sweden |
740 |
Guatemala |
741 |
El Salvador |
742 |
Honduras |
743 |
Nicaragua |
744 |
Costa Rica |
745 |
Panama |
746 |
Dominican Republic |
750 |
Mexico |
759 |
Venezuela |
76 |
Swiss |
770 |
Colombia |
773 |
Uruguay |
775 |
Peru |
777 |
Bolivia |
779 |
Argentina |
780 |
Chili |
784 |
Paraguay |
785 |
Peru |
786 |
Ecuador |
789 |
Brazil |
80-83 |
Italy |
84 |
Spain |
850 |
Cuba |
858 |
Slovakia |
859 |
Czech Republic |
860 |
Serbia & Montenegro |
869 |
Turkey |
87 |
Holland |
880 |
South Korea |
885 |
Thailand |
888 |
Singapore |
890 |
India |
893 |
Vietnam |
899 |
Indonesia |
90 -91 |
Austria |
93 |
Australia |
94 |
New Zealand |
955 |
Malaysia |
958 |
Macau |
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